Mashego Construction

Abram Mashego Construction and Maintenance Works (Pty) Ltd was established as a counter measure aimed at redressing the unemployment rate, entrepreneurial demoralization and most importantly to partake and contribute in the country’s economic revival, woman empowerment and also redressing and exploiting HDI in a very acceptable way as required by the law.

Our client had a previous website, however, the design was not up to standard and the website did not look professional or good on mobile. The website used plugins and software which was very resource hungry. We recreated the website into a static website which now loads much faster and does not require a database or other software to run. We also redesigned the theme and made sure it looks good on mobile and any other devices or screens.

The new website is now much easier to maintain and with the new layouts and theme that we created, it is now easier than ever to quickly add or remove content from the website.

Mobile Layout

See the mobile version of the website in this video below.

View screenshots of the website here: